Science is not Disconnected to Life; it is Life

Life as we know it is filled with science. Eat food, put on clothes, brush your teeth or wash your face and you are experiencing the benefits of Science whether you understand it or not. Alternatively, suffer from the flu, shiver from the cold in your room, or experiment with drugs and you are experiencing the negative aspects of not understanding Science around you and the impact that it has on your life. An understanding of Science improves life. It can cause life. It can save a life. Science matters.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Web Tool Examination Analysis:

Considering the following web tool: PreZENt (
Ease of use: It is so similar to Power Point that I have no trouble moving around to find the options that I need.
Special features: The way that pictures are used makes it easy to create your own designs to use.
Reliability: I wouldn’t know. It seems reliable enough though I have not been using it long. One needs the use of the internet for creating though supposedly one does not need it later on when presenting.
Learning curve/availability of training materials: I did not see any tutorials, which means if I am missing something SUPER COOL that I could do, then it is lost on me for quite a while. I found that the text box would not work at the right level with the text. The first line would not go away even though none of the words were on it after I got done typing. All the words were thus hidden in the text box. I resized it. Then, I just moved the textbox up to align it where I had wanted before the first line incident only to notice that after writing the text and ceasing to edit, the box outline still shows.
Equipment/technical requirements: What is common internet usage is what is required.
Potential for collaboration and file sharing: Yes, absolutely! In fact, collaboraters can be working on it at the same time from different places, the presentation can be kept private or made public, and one gets one’s own web address to be capable of editing manually.
Cost of use: None? I signed up and got access without paying a thing. Perhaps I will get hit with a fee after a create something and want to use it? I do not know. So far nothing has indicated that I owe anything.
Accessibility from home, school, or classroom: It is accessible from anywhere that there is internet until it is saved on someone’s computer, it seems.
Multi-media capabilities (such as animation, sound, video elements) I did not see sound elements, animation, or video options.
Engagement/motivational factors: Good question! The pictures are gorgeous! One can layer information, pictures, and shadow boxes to make a jaw dropping display which has great depth. These images can come and go in the slide via a number of silly, or not so silly, options just like Power Point. However, a lack of animation and sound would be a slight against it unless I am just not finding it yet.

Considering the following tool: Vuvox (
Ease of use: Looks easy enough so far.
Special features: The slide format makes the presentation flow. It also can create movement and timing variances. At some points the presentation can go on autopilot and go slow or fast based on the designer. At other times the viewer can deside to take over and slow it down if something was missed or fast forward as well.
Reliability: I do not know how to check this one.
Learning curve/availability of training materials: There are plenty of ways to learn more. Not only can a person look at examples of others’ work, but there are video tutorials as well.
Equipment/technical requirements: standard internet and windows programming seems to work just fine.
Potential for collaboration and file sharing: I do not see any option for that.
Cost of use: So far, free.
Accessibility from home, school, or classroom: If one has internet…
Multi-media capabilities (such as animation, sound, video elements): Animation, I do not know. Sound and video elements absolutely and it works great.
Engagement/motivational factors: One can make a presentation that looks incredibly professional. This is on par with being a newscaster or reporter. It does not take much to seem as though everything presented is official. It can be a great way to show a house, artwork, etc. because it is easy to create a panoramic effect.

This one is my favorite simply because it looks so remarkable, so beautiful, and there are countless options for layering pictures and text so that a person is really creating their own.